Frequently Asked Questions

Progressing from one program to another

  1. What are the requirements to progress from either certificate to diploma or diploma to degree?
    • One MUST have completed and passed ALL units in either certificate or diploma program.
    • Pick signed transcripts from the Registry Service Desk. (Await for the release of last semester’s results).
    • A minimum GPA of 0 is required to progress from one level to another.
    • Obtain and fill out an application form from the Reception Desk or download from the RU website.
    • A diploma student is required to fill in the program audit form and submit it to his/her School/Department.
    • A diploma student should then fill out an exemption form from the School/Department. One must have scored B- (minus) and above for the exemptable units and/or C+(plus) for RFCs.
    • Exemptions are not applicable for certificate students intending to progress to diploma level.
    • Only accepted applications will be allowed to progress to the next level.
  1. Must I wait for the results of September-December 2023 to be released before I can progress?
    • It is important to have met all course requirements before proceeding to the next program level.
  1. Can I progress if I only have one or two units left to complete my program requirements?
    • One is required to complete and pass ALL program requirements before proceeding to the next level.
  1. Will I use the same admission number once I progress to the next program level?
    • A student will be given a new admission number once he/she has completed the application process.

After Release of Examination Results

I do not know how to access my results on the portal.

    1. Log in to your student’s portal and enter your password.
    2. click on the student dashboard, then click on Student transcript.
    3. Under Transcription Type, click the drop down arrow and select Provisional Type, then click on Show.
    4. In-case it refuses to print, check at the right corner of the browser link, Click
      to Allow All Pop Ups, your Transcript will show
    5. If the above does not work, write to (always quote your admission number on all your emails).
  1. When I score a grade F, what should I do?
    1. Register for the unit again when it is next on offer.
    2. Attend all lectures, sit for all CATs/Assignments and main exam.
    3. When you pass the unit on the second attempt, it will override the grade F on your final transcript.
  2. What if I am not satisfied with a grade I have scored?
    1. Pay a remark fee of 3,000/- per paper
    2. Fill in the Remark Form within two weeks after the release of examination results.
    3. NB: remark is done by a different faculty member.
  3. My result slip shows INC on some/all units. Why is that?
    1. Means you either missed to sit for a CAT/assignment or main exam.
      1. If you missed sitting for a CAT/assignment, you will be required to retake the unit again when next on offer.
      2. If you only missed sitting the main exam for a valid reason, fill in the Special Exams Form and attach supporting documents.
      3. Special exams may attract a fee as may be determined by RU management.
    2. I sat for special exams but my results have not been updated yet.
      1. Fill in the Missing Marks Form (each unit on its own form)
    3. Some of my results are not showing on my transcript.
      1. Fill in the Missing Marks Form (each unit on its own form)