Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

  • Further to the Students Honour Code (add hyperlink), Riara University has an Academic Integrity Policy with guidelines on the expectations of the University with regard to Academic Integrity and Honesty. All students are expected to obtain a copy of the Academic Integrity Policy from the University website and to familiarize themselves and abide fully with it.
  • The University has Anti-Plagiarism software that may be used to detect the levels of academic honesty in a student’s work.
  • In line with the above, the University may require some or all of a student’s work to be submitted to the Anti-Plagiarism software and students required to do so are required to comply fully.
  • Failure to comply with instructions regarding academic integrity, including but not limited to, subjection of a student’s work to the Anti-Plagiarism software is an academic offense and may lead to the cancellation or rejection of a student’s work.