Grading System

  • RU uses the Grade Point Average (GPA) system. Semester GPA is a measure of performance of a student for a semester. A GPA is a number between 0 and 4 inclusively. Cumulative GPA is a measure of performance of a student for a number of semesters. Like semester GPA, Cumulative GPA is a number between 0 and 4 inclusively
  • Each course is assessed based on the Continuous Assessment Semester Examinations   and given a letter grade.  The letter grade F denotes a failure grade and has a numerical value of zero. The letter grades with their corresponding numerical values (including pluses), form an eight-step grade-point scale as shown below:


A 80-100% 4.00 1st  Class
A- 75-79% 3.70 – 3.99
B+ 70-74% 3.33 – 3.69 2nd Class Upper
B 66-69% 3.00 – 3.32
B- 60-65% 2.70 – 2.99
C+ 55-59% 2.33 – 2.69 2nd Class Lower
C 50-54% 2.00 – 2.32
C- 46-49% 1.70 – 1.99 Pass
D 40-45% 1.33 – 1.69
F 0-39% 0.00 – 1.32 Fail


Diploma Classification Distinction Credit Pass
Percentage 70% – 100% 50% – 69% 49% and below